Vintage Smith-Corona Clipper Portable Typewriter c.1946



Vintage portable Smith-Corona Clipper four bank typewriter with a black crackle finish. The keys are nickle and black with white letters. This typewriter has smooth typing. The ribbon is new. It has retained its original finish with minor wear. Serial #4C113553. 

  • CREATOR LC Smith & Corona Typewriters Inc. Syracuse, NY.
  • MATERIALS AND TECHNIQUES Steel, Metal, Nickel.
  • CONDITION Good. Wear consistent with age and use. This typewriter was completely seized up and has been reconditioned. The keys function properly now but several keys are slow to return: "1/4", "@" and the "?" keys. The "7" key is dropped down slightly. 
  • DIMENSIONS H 5 in. W 12.5 in. D 12 in.


The L.C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Company was founded in Syracuse, N.Y. on January, 1st, 1903. L.C. Smith & Bros. merged with Corona Typewriter Company in 1925 to become "L.C. Smith Bros. & Corona Typewriters, Inc." headquartered in Syracuse, N.Y.

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